
Summary: The Influence Of Play On Children's Learning

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Play offers opportunity for children to explore and engage their interest. Through a variety of cultural experience, children develop a foundation for culture. This supports children’s sense of belonging and builds children’s self-identities.

Early Childhood services offer an opportunity for children to explore learning through play. The Early Years Learning Framework states that the goal of the Framework is to extend and enrich children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transition to school (EYLF, 2009). Children’s learning is energetic, complex and holistic. Physical, social, emotional, personal, spiritual, creative, cognitive and linguistic characteristics of learning are all intricately interwoven and interrelated. …show more content…

For example, Ksenia, a child of Russian background is reading a book however she is singing a song in Russian. Through conversations with her parents, Ksenia has been singing “Old McDonald had a farm” while reading a book about farm animals. To extend Ksenia’s learning the educator might create a small world that promotes her learning of farm animals. This could continue to extend into cultural extension through learning of greeting songs that are sung in different languages. Involving all cultures in the service and or specific room. Children will continue to explore how culture can evolved from just singing greeting songs to the exploration of play learning. Creating play based experiences that encourage children to further understand culture. For instance, the use of role play and dress up to introduce culture context.

Childcare services often promote cultural awareness through a variety of experiences. However, are not limited to these experiences for example NAIDOC Week, not just focusing on a small portion of Indigenous culture but embedding it into everyday learning. Providing opportunity for children to explore Indigenous culture through play based learning. Creating an engaging area that promotes Indigenous learning from experiences such as dreamtime stories, Aboriginal art work station, role play, while respecting the heritage that Indigenous culture

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