
Summer Seasons Brings Problems To Every One. Everyone Has

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Summer seasons brings problems to every one. Everyone has to take care of himself during this season. Not only human beings are troubled by this season, even the animals and plants are not spared. Animals and plants also feel the heat. Plants require special attention towards themselves as they cannot move to save themselves from the hot weather. Our garden acquires a special place in our hearts. Everyone has a garden in their backyard which contains some beautiful plants, flowers and tress. We are the master of our garden and it is our own responsibility to take good care of it. Our garden contains numerous flowers, plants and tress which need special attention during the summer season. We must keep some necessary points in our mind …show more content…

5. Plant tress at distance- Plants requires space to spread their roots in the soil. The tress should be planted at a distance so that there is enough space for each plant to grow and develop freely. Congestion may lead to stunted growth. 6. Cut down the dry leaves regularly- To make the garden look more appealing and beautiful, the owner should keep on cutting the dry leaves regularly so that the garden always looks green. Cutting and clearing the dried leaves can make the atmosphere more beautiful. The dry leaves can work as nutrition for the growing plants when kept near the root of the plants in the soil. 7. Plant seasonal tress- To make the garden more beautiful stress should be laid on planting seasonal tress and plants which grow in summer. This will make the garden more look more pleasing to the eyes with the blooming flowers and green tress. 8. Plant tress in a cool place- Planting tress in cool place during summer can help its cause. Plants could be kept safe from excess exposure from sunlight by planting them in a cooler place. 9. Protect your garden from animals- Usually people do not pay attention to proper safeguard of the garden from intruders. But this small mistake can lead to total devastation of the garden. The boundaries of the garden should be appropriately protected so that animals cannot cross that border to gain access to the garden. Animals

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