
Superhero Movies: David Fincher Look At Social Underground

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Everything you need to know about in this weekly series: Logan shows that we're tiring of superhero films, a fake Burger King as tells the truth about the products, David Fincher and his filmmaking is examined, and does peeing on a Jellyfish sting really help with the pain?

At Social Underground we go beyond the mainstream stuff and see what’s underneath the surface. What should we get into, listen to, read, eat or watch? If there is something in our culture that needs attention that’s our job: Show you the underground things that you need to know about: Books, music, television, movies, comedians, art, and whatever else we can find to get you into something you never knew about. That’s The Underground

1. Logan showed us that superhero movies can get old. It seems every week of the year …show more content…

I've witnessed corporate people who are trying to sell their brand at festivals or sports games. Someone says hello, you say hello back, and then they take out a clipboard to try to sell you something. The guy in the ad below is my spirit animal.

3. An inside look at director David Fincher's brilliant filmmaking. Fincher has directed films like Fight Club and Zodiac. He has a knack for taking books you'd buy at an airport and turning them into a gritty, and detail oriented piece of cinema.

Fincher also happens to make his films better than the book. Fight Club was a great book, but the ending was a bit weird, and it kept going. The film adaptation was superior, and it's also iconic in how it ends. So many films and TV have tried to recreate what Fincher filmed. It never works out well for them.

The video below examines how Fincher makes his films look the way they do. I'm interested to see what World War Z 2 will look like if he directs it. Since Fincher is so gritty, the zombies will probably the most disgusting things put to screen since the last Sarah Jessica Parker

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