
Supervisor Case Studies

Decent Essays

 Concerns that were brought to my attention: o Diane the perception in your office is that you are too the friendly with staff. This perceived friendship also gives the perception that workers come to you to find out what was said in our MTM/conference calls with APCS and/or to gossip about other APCW or APCS.  If this is the case I advise you to redirect staff that are not under your supervision to their supervisor for any questions that they may have, especially if their supervisor is in the office.  If their supervisor is not in the office, I advise you to triage the situation to see if it is something that can wait until their supervisor returns or if needs to be handled immediately. • If it is something that needs to be handled immediately …show more content…

 Team 8308—needs to be redirected to their supervisor is he is in the office. Supervisory Expectations The Adult Protective & Community Supervisor (APCS) supervises and directs the activities of Adult Protective Services (APS) investigator that are responsible for the intake, investigation and intervention of reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation (ANE) of eligible adults. This chapter defines the roles and responsibilities of the APCS including the review of investigations and documentation. The supervisor shall: • Monitor and keep apprised of caseload, staff hotline assignments and responsiveness; • Assist staff in identifying threats of danger to vulnerable adult; • Assist staff in developing possible interventions; • Model good practice, problem-solving techniques, and effective intervention strategies for the staff and other professionals involved with the victim; • Be cognizant of the personal safety needs of staff; • Be available to discuss difficult cases with their staff in a supportive and professional manner and provide feedback to ensure quality staff performance, and maintain an open-door policy to allow staff to discuss policies, programs, operations and to offer

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