
Swimming South Analysis

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The documentary “Swimming South” which premiered on 29 January 2017, would have sent a shock through many of the viewers of channel 9’s weekly 60 minutes program. As it describes a threat that could cost the Australian tourism industry billions and even have the potential to kill, it is called the Irukandji jellyfish. Throughout the documentary 60 minutes has cleverly depicted the jellyfish to be a lethal killer, to really gain the audiences focus while then informing viewers of the damage this animal can do to not only us but to are whole economy. With various techniques being used to the capture viewers’ attention on the topic such as language, camera techniques and archival footage combining well together to make a well presented and informative …show more content…

Providing video footage of them both actually being stung by the Irukandji gives the realistic image to the viewers. As with actual evidence and proof of the stings occurring it provides the viewers with a more realistic feel of what this creature can actually do to us. As the immense pain being shown by them, it creates a fear for the audience since this creature could be very likely swimming alongside us in the water. The archival footage just adds to the whole documentaries persona of the Irukandji being the bad guy and 60 minutes being the hero saving us. By continuing the bias side of the documentary saying we even have proof of how deadly the jellyfish is. To cleverly hook the audience to the one side of the topic they are being shown, being the Jellyfish is pure evil nothing else. Not considering the fact that we are swimming in its home but this clearly portrays the director’s intent as well to only have the audience react due to the bad effects of this animal. To have the audience think they have to do something about this and have them worried about this massive threat to us and the tourism industry.
The documentary “Swimming south” combines a variety of specific techniques such as Camera techniques, Narration and Archival footage to effectively position the audience to be against this threat.

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