
Swot Analysis Of American Red Cross

Decent Essays

Introduction The American Red Cross is a non-profit organization that provide assistance to people all over America, they respond to approximately 70,000 disasters in America every year. The mission statement of the American Red Cross is “The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization, led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.” The American Red Cross started operating in 1881 to serve as a humanitarian aid operation. In the almost 140 years that the American Red Cross has been operating they have always put human necessities first and have always provided help for people in times of disaster. One of the major duties that the American Red Cross takes on is providing blood for hospitals and times of disaster. This is where a big part of their competition comes into play. One of the major competitors is America’s Blood Centers. Americas Blood Centers has a very large base of donors of blood and they’re strategic donating locations allow them to be a major concern for the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross relies on funding to allow them to provide help to the people who need it. The annual budget for the American Red Cross is $4.1 billion. This money comes from donations form generous people who are trying to help people in need through the

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