
Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression Essay

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Introduction Depression is determined when a person has negative feelings towards them self for a long period of time, according to the DSM5 if someone is feeling helpless and empty or if someone around notices they are quieter than usual or if they seem tearful on a regular basis, or in younger people increased mood swings or even weight loss more that 5% per month (DSM 2010). DSM5 According to the DSM5 depression can be recognised by 9 different things- bad mood or irritable (most of the day is spent feeling empty or helpless), decreased interest in in activities all of the time, changing appetite of difference in weight more that 5% per month, change in sleep pattern (not sleeping at night and sleeping in the day time), change in activity (preferring completely different things compared to normal), fatigue or loss of energy, guilt (feeling guilt or worthlessness on excessive levels), concentration (un able to thing correctly and concentrate on everyday things) and thoughts of suicide on a regular basis(DSM 2010). The DSM5 measures how severe the depression is by how much it interrupts day to day life and how many of the symptoms a person has e.g. 5-6 symptoms means they have mild depression, 7-8 means they have moderate depression, severe would be if someone had all the symptoms and was effecting their life on daily basis. The DSM5 is the old version to the DSM6 however is very similar to the ICD10, yet the ICD10 is written in the UK however, the DSM 5 is written in

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