
Synthesis Essay On Fast Food

Decent Essays

Since the early twentieth century, fast food establishments have been making headway in the American culture, so much so that they have taken over our modern lifestyles. Fast food is more accessible than any other food store, is cheaper than healthy or organic food and is advertised tremendously with the use of sexualised ads. There have been countless actions made to reverse the effects of our fast food culture but none have taken root due to unhealthy food becoming a fad that Americans never grew out of. Today’s glorification of the fast food industry has made it hard to enjoy and afford healthier food options in America thus we need to make investing in the health of our youth the highest priority and revert back to the much healthier lifestyle of growing our own food.

The accessibility of fast and unhealthy food has skyrocketed in the past century.“Today, more than 160,000 fast- food restaurants feed more than 50 million Americans each and every day, generating sales of more than $110 billion dollars annually… It is no coincidence that the decline of our health has moved in direct proportion to the rise in the consumption of fast food (Pirello). The negative correlation is definitely no coincidence; it’s easier to find a McDonald’s than an average health food store, given …show more content…

Multiple chain corporations likes Hardy’s, Burger King and Arby’s have used sexualization of an unrealistic body image of women to promote their food, that obviously doesn’t result in that thin, glowing body. These advertisements show predominantly skinny, able bodied, and attractive individuals that seem to embody a glow given to them by this unhealthy fast food. Unrealistically, the body most women are told to have has been used to sell the opposite of what makes that desired body. doctors and the media tell us to eat healthy but its expensive and advertisers push unhealthy

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