
Syrian Civil War Essay

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Syria was once a beautiful country, with historical artifacts that brought in a lot of tourism. Most of their artifacts and tourist attractions are now ruined, all that remains is the debri and broken pieces. What started out as nonviolent protests turned into a civil war, costing Syria because of the lost of many lives and and other material items, they will not be able to restore. Historical sites other because they lost most of their historical sites and other ancient artifacts were lost as a result of the conflict and terrorist groups. Over the past few years, Syria faced many challenges which destroyed their beautiful country. An uprising in Syria lead to their civil war, causing tourism to fall, leading to economic hardships, as …show more content…

China and Syria were major trading partners in the oil industry, which is why China did not want to become involved. The Syrian civil war caused a disagreement between the United States, Russia and China and the proper use of power. Each country had their own views on how to handle the fighting in Syria and they were not seeing eye to eye. United States wanted to take a more active approach, instead of the verbal approach supported by China and Russia. The uprising created a power struggle which left Syria vulnerable which caused more problems, for example one of their many source of income was lost which was tourism. As these conflicts rose, Syria's economy fell. The war resulted in more than a thousand casualties, the destruction of property and major tourist sites which caused their economy to struggle. Syria’s economy took a major toll because they relied heavily on the oil industry and tourism. The oil industry did dropped during the war, but not as dramatically as the tourism did. Once the travel ban was put in place, Syria lost a significant amount of cash flow. Before the conflict broke out, most of Syria income came from tourism; according to research by Popa and Cocos (2015), “In 2010 8.5 million tourists visited the country, 40% more tourists than 2009, which generated income of 8.3 billion dollars” (p. 33). Tourism alone created many jobs for
Syria, including touring guides, hotel work and transportation. Not only did Syria lose the tourism, but also the

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