
TDA 3.7 Assessment for Learning

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TDA 3.7 Support assessment for learning

Assessment task – TDA 3.7 Support assessment for learning Task links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.
1.1 compare the roles of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in assessment of learners’ achievement.
The roles of Teachers and Learning Support Practitioners (LSP’s) are similar in that they are both continuingly monitoring the progress and achievements of the learner. Teachers need to be aware of every child’s progress within their setting.
Evidence gathering and developing a full picture of each child is important, in order to understand their individual needs and supply accurate feedback to other teachers, support staff, …show more content…

For example a task or activity is not formative unless the information it provides is actually used to take learning forward. The distinction is undoubtedly useful in helping to understand the different uses of assessment. What a pupil does or says will be observed and interpreted by the teacher, or other learners, who build on that response to develop a dialogue aimed at helping learners to take their next steps. This is formative assessment,

AML– SC2005011237


TDA 3.7 Support assessment for learning which contrasts with summative assessment.
There are characteristic differences between the two uses of assessment:
• Summative comes at the end of learning episodes, whereas formative is built in to the learning process;
• Summative aims to assess knowledge and understanding at a given point in time, whereas formative aims to develop it;
• Summative is static and one-way (usually the teacher or examiner judges the pupil), whereas formative is on-going and dynamic (feedback can be given both to the pupil and the teacher);
• Summative follows a set of pre-defined questions, whereas formative follows the flow of spontaneous dialogue and interaction, where one action builds on (is contingent upon) an earlier one.
The term “assessment for learning” is often used interchangeably with
“formative assessment”. In 1999, the Assessment Reform Group defined assessment for learning as “the process of seeking and interpreting

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