
Tactics Of Stop Decline Of The Agency 's Mission

Decent Essays

Tactics to Resist Decline
Tactics to Smoothen Decline
External Political
Educate the public about the agency 's mission
Mobilize dependent clients
Threaten to cut vital or popular programs
Cut a visible and widespread service a little to demonstrate client dependence

Cut low prestige programs
Cut programs to politically weak clients [ES1]
Share problems with other agencies

Internal Political
Issue symbolic responses like forming study missions and task forces [ES2]
·“Circle the wagons”, i.e., develop a siege mentality to retain esprit de corps
Strengthen expertise

Reorganize at each stage
Cut programs run by weak subunits
Shift programs to another agency
Get temporary exemptions from personnel and budgetary regulations which limit …show more content…

Roberge (2014) presents the study of narratives as an important approach specifically to the practice and analysis of cutback management and financial sustainability for public organizations, and such narratives includes a strong leadership style and descriptions for a better future. Besides, control coping, namely, active goal setting and development of plans, has a positive impact on working performance during employee downsizing (Datta, Guthrie, Basuil, & Pandey, 2010). WRD Camp Pendleton may effectively manage current hiring freeze by shifting leadership style, emphasizing visions and goals, constructing strong teams in order to improve working performance.

Operational Risk Management
Director John Simpson has stated that his department functions by operationalizing risk management. Operationalizing risk management relies on an ever-evolving process that incorporates feedback loops through a system of monitoring and evaluation. Risk management takes a proactive instead of reactive approach by classifying existing and potential risks and then developing interventions to mitigate those risks before a disaster strikes (Module 11). Measuring vulnerability and resilience to potential risks, permits a community to be proactive. There is a direct correlation between improved resiliency and improved outcomes after a risk becomes a reality (McEntire et. al, 2002).

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