
Taking a Look at Capital Punishment

Decent Essays

Imagine you are a little girl living her childhood without her ‘real daddy’ in her life, but she is emotionally and spiritually adopted by her uncle at her time of abandonment. Her uncle is the one who laughs at her jokes gone wrong, rejoices with her when she wins the spelling bee, warns her of boys as she develops into an adolescent, listens as she cries over her first break-up, and helps her discover who she is. Now imagine that this wonderful man has been trapped behind bars since she was an infant. The only way they could see each other was through a five-inch thick glass window-never being able to feel the warmth of a fatherly hug. His wrongful conviction and final execution leaves a little girl shattered; she has now lost the only loving daddy she ever knew. The death of a loved one is always traumatic, whether it is by natural causes or murder. In the case of execution, the majority of victims are deserving criminals. However, a disgustingly large percentage of victims of execution in the United States are later found innocent and exonerated from death row. For the state, this is a minute matter; for the families of the accused and the accused themselves, this realization is excruciatingly late. Although it may bring back their dignity, it will never bring back their heartbeat. The use of the death penalty for alleged criminals in the United States needs to change because there is an unacceptable number of posthumous exonerations, and a negative generational impact

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