
Taking a Look at Landscape Paintings

Decent Essays

“Any landscape is a condition of the spirit.”
- Henri Frédéric Amiel

It’s more often the unknown that causes us to ask questions. Landscape paintings have always had a feeling of ambiguity and mystery to them. Unlike paintings with historical or classical subject matter, landscapes don’t always have a clear narrative or meaning. Instead of providing the viewer with answers, they will often provoke more questions. A historical painting like ‘Liberty Leading The People’ gives us a clear narrative with each figure in the painting representing something we can understand right away. On the other hand, a romantic landscape painting like Friedrich’s ‘Wanderer Above the Mists’ gives us essentially no answers or clear narrative and ultimately leads to further discussion or debate after the first viewing.

In the early 19th Century, many artists around the world were stepping away from the norm of historical paintings for famous clients or their government and entering the realm of painting landscapes for themselves. America was still a relatively new country and its young artists were eager to burst onto the world art scene and show what they could do. America was a clean slate and ready to make its mark on the history of Western art. While the country expanded more and more into the West, the average American wanted to know what this great unknown West looked like and landscape painting was the perfect way to show the rest of the country what marvels were out there.

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