
Taste Investigation

Decent Essays

Final Report- How does smell affect taste?

Monday 17th August 2015

By Callan Pratt and Liam Pidcock

The aim of this experiment is to determine how the loss of smell can effect the taste of the food.

Background research:
Your taste buds can sense chemical changes when a new food is presents, and your nose works in the same way. Your tongue is covered with over 10,000 which can tell you what kind of taste it is: Salty, Bitter, Sweet, Sour and Umami which is Japanese for delicious. Before people eat and drink they first can smell what the dish is which improves the taste and lets the person eating the dish which helps them to anticipate what it is. So we are going to be looking into how good the sense of taste is without the assistance …show more content…

For some people the fruits were undetectable without the aid of smell but for others they could make out the taste only using the one sense. We thought that due to the fact that the Oranges have the most distinctive taste even without the sense of smell that it would be the fruit with the most correct guess and we were correct with our guess after that we thought it would it would be the pineapples as they have such a strong taste and not such a strong odour then it would make it easier for the subjects to guess but actually it was last and watermelon came in at second closely followed by rockmelon. This test is quite hard to carry out as people have varying taste buds and might not have liked some of the fruits. We took this into consideration however and tried to make the fruits as generic as possible and with the same sort of citrusy genre of …show more content…

(2013). How does smell affect Taste?.Retrieved August 16, 2015, from'

Taste and smell. (2012). Retrieved August 16, 2015, from
Passas, C. (2013). How does the smell of the food affect the way it taste. Retrieved August 16, 2015, from

Science fair Extravaganza. Taste and smell. Retrieved August 16, 2015, from

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