As a person with a tattoo, it may be harder for me to admit that the position taken by Leeanne Padowski, on whether or not to get a tattoo, has better merit. Padowski tries to give the reader confidence in her position, with evidence supporting her belief, that a tattoo is a bad choice. She uses the Mayo Clinic's opinion that tattoos can lead to skin infections, as well as allergic reactions. Other Mayo Clinic concerns noted include blood born diseases like tetanus and hepatitus B and C. I do feel like Padowski's use of the Mayo Clinic's " opinion " was an inadequate argument. Importantly noted, these are only written opinions, not backed by statistics in this instance. Equally dissappointing was Ron Johnson's hypothetical facts that
Even though Ron Johnson highlights some good points about the benefits of tattoos in his article "Tattoos: The Ultimate in Expression", Leeanne Padowski provided stronger support with more evidence in her article "Think Before You Ink".Leeanne Padowski supports her article with facts from studies surveys.
In Jon Kelly’s article he brings more information on the stance taken against tattoos in the work place by potential employers. Kelly discusses how employers tend to discriminate
Have you ever wondered what is preventing you from achieving you goals and dreams? Can you rely on your neighborhood to fulfil your dreams? In regards with this subject is the book "tattoos on the heart" by Gregory Boyle. Boyle, from his experience, discloses several stories of gang members getting a second chance to start a new life using central theme of compassion, kinship and common call to delight one another. The article "Our Kids" by Robert D. Putnam, he explains how there increasing segregations and inequality in income, wealth and social mobility. The article "Pathway to economic mobility" by Stuart M. Butler et al. He explains that there are "family influences, social institutions and community influences" that helps people in achieving
In her article “Tattoos are no longer permanent but removal can be a long and costly business,” Victoria Lambert (2015) explains that tattoos can be removed with laser, an injectable liquid and surgery. However, the process for each option is not only time consuming, expensive, painful, but can also have severe consequences. Lambert points out that most people, a while after they have been tattooed, figure out the useless of their body art, and decide to pay any price to get them removed. He affirms that the laser option, in addition, to being expensive, extensive and painful, can also cause skin disorders with the uncertainty of complete removal. Lambert also claims that another possibility, which is the liquid injectable, is not efficient
‘The tattoo’ is a novel which was written by Chris McKinney about a young adult named Ken ‘Kenji’ Hideyoshi who was sent to the Halawa Correctional Institute. Inside he tells his personal struggle of living life as a Japanese male brought up in Hawai’i, being exposed to poverty, colonialism, violence, urban gangs, and drugs. In this essay, I will argue that one can learn criminal and violent behaviour by those who they hold close interpersonal relationships with, for example, family and friends. In saying that, I will be using the social learning theory looking in particular at Edwin Sutherland and his notion of differential association and Akers concept of differential reinforcement to explore the relationship between Ken Hideyoshi and Koa Puana.
Our product, temporary tattoo ink, is going to be produced to meet the needs of many people who are looking for a fun yet safe method of altering the skin without the long term consequences that permanent tattoos can causes on people who undergo these type of procedures. This industry is a combination of several factors put together that create an always-growing business for tattoo industry. The tattoo industry is developed around a variety of tattoo artist that uses their create abilities and skills to showcase their art by attracting people willing to go through a tattoo process. The quality of the artist is a big part of the success in this industry, since that’s what drives the customer demand, causing a wave of business that will benefit all the companies involved in the industry. Since the artist required stable locations to offer their services while earning a good reputation and following industry standards, the real state industry is also part of this business, as there is a need for good locations that can provide tattoo shop owners with a good flow of customers.
Although Mr. Ron Johnson talks about the benefits of getting tattoos, Ms. Leeanne Padowski's identifies the drawbacks of tattoos. Ms. Padowski's article proofs more convincing, because she uses reliable sources and statistics, while Mr. Ron Johnson's article sounds more like a sales pit.
Even thought Ron Johnson have some good points about getting tattoos,in his article"Tattoos;The ultimate in Expression" He talks more about his opinion about tattoos than giving good facts .Leeane Padowski, have stronger facts in why getting tattoos affects in different ways your life her article'Think Before You ink"she talks about how tattoo's can affect us in our works and personal life.
Tattooing is an ancient tribal tradition practiced by everyone but the Romans and Greeks. It can be a way of expressing one’s self, honouring someone, or telling a story. In Canada, thirty-eight percent of adults have at least one tattoo, that is approximately fourteen million people. Although people have positive reasons for getting tattoo’s, the health risks far outweigh them. Tattoo ink can cause allergic reactions and contribute to obtaining Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Because of the risks of infections, tattooing of the human body should not be practiced in our modern Canadian society.
Thesis Statement: People have different reasons for getting tattoos, but it does not matter what reason they have, good or bad, they will have to live with this decision for the rest of their lives.
Technically, a tattoo is considered a wound, which means that it can give you an infection or an illness. Over time, the FDA and the CDC have discovered at least 101 patients with a negative reaction to permanent makeup tattoos. The less harmful reactions include tenderness, swelling, itching, and bumps. The worse reactions consist of people being diagnosed with allergic reactions or granulomas, a raising of the tissue due to infection. This information confirms that a tattoo is a wound because it shows that people’s skin can react to a tattoo the same way, that it would react to irritation
The author of the article even seemed to have trouble drawing the line of excessive. The author, Father Peter Joseph, states that he can not clearly say what is right or wrong, but he tries to point out “facts” that should be considered before becoming inked; satanic tattoos are defined as being a sin as well as tattoos that show the ugliness of the world. For example, a floral tattoo that is filled with vibrant colors can become faded and ugly over time, therefore even the most beautiful tattoos can become ugly. The text also says that tattoos and piercing are considered to be self-mutilation. Father Peter Joseph said that “The human body was not made by God to be a pin cushion or a mural (Joseph).”
Millions of people know the health risks of getting a tattoo, yet they still decide to go through with the process. According to Armstrong and Murphy, the most common health effects one can get from getting a tattoo are allergic reactions, infections, and blood borne diseases (Armstrong). The first step of the process is to make sure that all items being used are sterile and that the skin is clean. The small needle that is used to inject dye into the skin goes into the dermis layer. This penetration of the needle causes a wound and gets inflamed. Because of this, it is very important to take proper care of the tattooed area as it is healing (Aguirre). I believe that although this is a situation that can be hazardous, one should be able to
First of all People should be held back from certain jobs for the reasons of sanatation. almost four of every 10 people born after 1980 have at least one a result 1 of those 4 get infections from there tattoos and those infections can lead to allergic reaction to tattoo dyes,skin infection,blood-borne
Tattoos are becoming a popular phenomenon that is seen everywhere. Today’s youth are getting permanent tattoos to be cool and trendy, but are not considering the long-term effects. Teenagers should be aware of all that body modification may include, it is not just a pretty picture. Adolescences must consider the dangers and conscientious result of attaining diseases, being underage, and having a permanent mark on their body.