
Tb Notification Rate And Death Rate Of Hong Kong Essay

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As mentioned in the previous section, high TB notification rates in Hong Kong every year reveals the severity, reported statistics from CHP (CHP, 2016). Though there are decreasing TB notification cases, TB still puts pressure on Hong Kong’s citizens. In 1939, around 4,500 TB deaths report before the invasion by Japan, which made TB become a notifiable disease (DH, 2006). During the World War II, the unstable social conditions, poor nutrition, and serious overcrowding in Hong Kong increased the number of cases who died from TB (DH, 2006). As a result, with the influx of refugee from Mainland China, TB became the top killer in Hong Kong (DH, 2006). In 1940-1950, the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association created plans for TB control services, after the development in anti-TB drugs and provided services for TB patients (DH, 2006). TB notification rate and death rate of Hong Kong reached its peak in 1951-1952 when prevention and treatment of TB was not yet commonly use (CHP, 2016). Afterwards, the usage of streptomycin and the BCG injection to newborn babies and schoolchildren decreased the amount of notification rate and death rate (DH, 2006). However, some TB patients had difficulties to complete the anti-TB treatment. Therefore, Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) was considered. The death rate of TB dropped dynamically to less than 1,500 cases after the usage of the DOT in 1970 (WHO, 2016). After 21st century, the new cases of TB dropped to less

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