
Nurses And Nursing Interventions Help Increase The Cure Of Patients Diagnose With Tuberculosis Disease?

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PICOT Question
Will increase knowledge among nurses and nursing interventions help increase the cure of patients diagnose with tuberculosis disease?
PICOT element
P – Tuberculosis patients
I – Empower nurses with new evidence based practices and redirect their nursing practice skills towards early diagnosis of TB disease. Educate the society to be aware of TB disease and encourage them to seek medical help when experiencing any signs of TB. And provide resources to patients on Anti-TB Drugs to help them adherence with their medication.
C - Will nurses’ involvement on TB treatment make or not make an impact on TB cure.
O – Nurse will learned more about TB disease and their involvement in the intervention will help in the cure of TB. …show more content…

This has created problems in the cure of tuberculosis. In other to resolve these problems, nurses need to be educating patients about TB disease, drug-resistance and treatment interruption. Yet nurses lack the knowledge on how to treat and diagnose tuberculosis, also the nature of the exact support provided to by nurses to TB patients is not well described. When nurses become knowledgeable about TB disease, and understand the rational why patient should finish their anti TB treatment, then they can educate the patient on the important to adhere to their TB treatment which will help to have a better outcome with TB cure.
TB rates and incidences have remained high, with an estimated rate of 9,000,000 new cases of TB worldwide and 1.7 million deaths per year. The incidence rate of TB in Japan is high with 21 cases per 100,000 people in 2010 than many other developed countries, yet the treatments are being provided by a health care provider. (Shimamura et al, 2013). The nation of Brazil occupies the 22nd place in the ranking of the 22 countries with the highest incidence of TB (Ministerio et al 2012). Tuberculosis treatment is very expensive. Direct costs for treatment (including drugs, diagnostics, case management, hospitalization, etc.) of MDR TB averaged $150,000 per case (in 2014 dollars), compared with $17,000 to treat drug-susceptible TB (CDC 2015).
The purpose of the qualitative research critique was to illustrate

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