
Teaching Plan For Diet And Nutrition As A Stroke Risk.

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Teaching Plan for Diet and Nutrition as a Stroke Risk
Pamela Arango-Gallego
Delaware Technical Community College

In the United States on your average day, every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke. Strokes effect everyone whether you’re the patient, friend, family member, or taxpayer. (“Delaware Stroke Initiative,” n.d.) Strokes are the 4th leading cause of death, this is especially worrisome with the elderly population growing to about “70 million by the year 2030” (Sherzai, Heim, & Boothby, 2012) There are many risk factors that’re non modifiable and people can’t control like sex, gender, race, and genetic disposition. Luckily, there’s many modifiable risk factors to prevent stroke. One of the easiest ways …show more content…

2) Have client state 2 foods in each level of the Healthy Eating food pyramid.
Content to Be Taught There are many ways that diet can influence the risk of stroke, by directly causing hypertension, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. (Pearson Education, Inc, 2014) Hypertension which is often worsened by increased sodium in the diet, causes damage to blood vessels, causing them to weaken, rupture or leak. A vessel rupturing would cause a hemorrhagic stroke. (Pearson Education, Inc, 2014) When you increase the sodium in a diet, this reduces the kidneys ability to remove water from the body, which results in kidney strain and higher pressure. Excess insulin in the body due to diabetes can also lead to more sodium being retained in the body. (Pearson Education, Inc, 2014) Both type one and type two diabetes can be prevented or better controlled with a proper diet. (Pearson Education, Inc, 2014) Diabetes can also accelerate the process of plaque build up, which not only increases hypertension, but can also cause platelets to build up around and begin the clothing sequence, creating an embolus that when broken off can cause a thrombolytic stroke due to the plaque travels to the brain and clog up a cerebral vessel. Diabetes can also damage the inner lining of blood vessels, which makes it easier for plaque to form. (Pearson Education, Inc, 2014) Atherosclerosis is “ complex lesions consisting of lipids, fibrous tissue, collagen,

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