
Team Building within the Gaming Industry

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Introduction A team is a group individuals with various skills and assets working together towards a common goal. The goals of the teams come in various aspects and forms that require the skills of all team members. Team building is the process of enabling ones team or group in order to reach their goals. Reaching the goal will consist of the Team’s leader involvement in the few stages of team building. Within the team building stages are sets such as clarifying the goals to the team letting them know what the main priority is. The second stage is the Identification of all of the problems that can push back the team delaying them from reaching the goals. Addressing the problems and enabling the goals to be completed. Bringing the team together is essential when building a team this includes getting along with the team and understanding one another as well as knowing their strengths and weaknesses using certain activities. The importance of Team building is, bringing various individuals to work together to complete a set or common goal. The Leader of the team use various ways to bring the team together such as certain activities that involve teamwork. Team building activities help in creating less tension within a team and building trust among the individuals. Within the team building there are various categories within team building activities such as outdoor/indoor pursuits such as treasure hunting, hot air ballooning, bowling, etc. Some of the activities of

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