Team Charter Form: Team C
Petrona Campbell, Eliz Centeno Ortiz, Kenny Marshall, Perry Ishmael Peralta, Syed Saqib, & Shirrell Smith
Walden University
Team Charter Form: Team C
Work Values
• Accountability: We will take responsibility for our work and its outcomes. Mistakes are acknowledged, not ignored or passed on, or blamed on others. We will demonstrate a personal commitment to our team members and ourselves.
• Attitude: We will display a positive attitude through kindness in our interactions with each other.
• Innovation- We will strive to do things better by doing things differently, considering the complexities of the health care delivery system and a team of critical but progressive thinkers.
• Academic Integrity:
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• To strengthen management skills necessary to ensure efficiency and leadership skills needed to cope with change as a result of the merger (Kotter, 2001). These include interpersonal skills relative to motivation, conflict management and constructive feedback.
• To serve as a venue for collaboration in order to complete tasks necessary to achieve the merger in accordance to pre-determined timelines. To achieve stated goals that each member of the team could not achieve individually (Borkowski, 2009).
• To encourage innovative thinking with a working environment characterized as positive, cooperative and participative (Borkowski, 2009).
• To identify our strengths and weaknesses as a team and as individual members of the team and adopt corrective measures as we realize the challenges and benefits of teamwork.
Member Roles and Responsibilities
• Facilitator - Shirrell: The facilitator is in charge of keeping communication lines open among the members of the group. This individual is also tasked with assigning roles, ensuring that everyone contributes to the project and will communicate with the professor if needed. Finally, the facilitator will ensure that the work is completed on time and will be in charge of final submissions.
• Outline recorder - Petrona: The outline recorder will be in charge of receiving each part for the project, compiling it together and
Accountability is not an abstract concept. It is actually extremely simple. Accountability means saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and doing what you say you 're
Also, you shall have the responsibility of team building. Team building will help improve teamwork hence creating a sense of responsibility to the rest of the workers. Team building shall be achieved by helping in recruiting, motivating, and inspiring the young, growing team. Working as a team shall also assist in realizing new goals and outlining necessary strategies to achieve the set goals.
Teamwork: We are committed to each other personally and professionally. We respect each other, succeed together, and recognize there is nothing we can’t solve as a team.
Most of the time, groups spend a lot of their valuable time attempting to make sense of what they should do and composes. Before beginning any sort of a procedure or performance, it is essential to know where you're going and what the right direction is. The team Charter can offer assistance in many ways:
Over and over again groups spend a lot of their profitable assets attempting to make sense of what it is they should do, composes benefactors John Moran, Grace Duffy and Michael Rudis. Before beginning any sort of a procedure change work, it is essential to know where you're going. Here's the way a Team Charter can offer assistance.
In the first place, a leader’s responsibility to developing a team task that requires members to work together to achieve a collective outcome. Moreover, a real team must have a clear bounded team in order for the members to know who actually is in the team to obtain flexibility and to use resources effectively. Thus, allows to determine and understand both the extent and the limit of the team’s authority and responsibilities. In effect, a team stability allows to perform productively due to the opportunity to share lesson learned and make team leadership probable.
When planning a project it is necessary to assign the work on the project to the project team so that there will be one person responsible for each part of the project and it is clear who performs the work, with whom it should be consulted, and who is to be informed of this activity.
The job of the facilitator is to ensure members stick to the topic, to ensure the session is productive and enjoyable for all. The facilitator :- must not contribute to the discussion- brings the group back to the objective of the meeting- deals with dysfunctional behavior so that everyone contributes to the discussion- should summarize at the end
innovative ideas as well as putting the tools that foster this environment into practice throughout the
Regardless whether the other team members is essential for team effectiveness. Evaluating the strengths of teammates, while minimizing their weaknesses, promotes team cohesion (McComb et el, 2008). Collaborating as a team whether it required trust, a lot more benefit and more.
• To ensure availability of Total Quality People to meet the Organizational Goals and Objectives
The skills developed in the managerial and operational structure of the company will lead to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Therefore, the other outcome of employee training will be the acquisition of important sets of skills to facilitate effective management strategies that support employee commitment thereby reducing the high rates of turnover in the company.
It is a means of communication and coordination between all those involved in the project.
Teamwork is important and essential to the success of any team or company in the professional field. It offers the company and its employees the ability to become more familiar with each other and to learn how one another work together. The process of understanding how to effectively operate as a team will assist in creating great communication, as well as social skills, while producing quality work. A team is meant to down towards their main goal. The cost of not working together as a team could simply be the determining factor between a success, and failure of a company.
However, certain merged groups showed better performance compared to unexperienced groups and the experiment saw benefits of the merger through employee reduction and labour cost savings. Improving post-merger integration, involves creating a new task for employees to improve effectiveness by compromising on their way of doing things.