
Technological Aspects of Eco-Innovation

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In Indonesia, the project primarily focused on the technological aspects of eco-innovation, specifically the greening of the production process utilizing both simple and advanced cleaner production options that the majority of SMEs in newly-industrializing nations had consumed and disposed energy & resources that contribute to the environmental degradation. Moreover, the establishment of AESIC is also to encourage sustainable production and improve management activities of SMEs that leads to green growth that includes cleaner production, sustainable management and also development of green products and technology. However, SMEs is constrained by lack of resources, knowledge and capability and by realizing the significance of fully exploring the potential for eco-innovation and green entrepreneurship among SMEs, the project strived to identify green business opportunities for the participating companies.(ASIEC Indonesia, 2011) 2.1.1 Cleaner Production & Good Housekeeping Cleaner Production is the basic criteria for understanding eco-innovation, that includes everything from simple good housekeeping practices to the application of green technology. good housekeeping is particularly suitable for SMEs since the implementation of it relatively easily at low costs and the project offered a strategy that could be implemented to conserved energy & resources among SMEs that involved. For instance, PT. Hasura Mitra Gemilang (Hasura) , had the highest implementation rate.

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