
Technology And Its Impact On The Advancement Of Communication

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A network is a system of lines, wires that are connected to each other. Also can be known as the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institution. There are many different areas when it comes to networking, such as, network design, business networks, social networking, home networking and so on. Each individual area has its own issue that relates to society today. A major area that is important today is communicating through the network. Back in the day, communication is vastly different than today. Throughout history, it started off orally; just by speaking and hand gestures. It slowly advanced to postal services, and first manuscripts. Eventually new inventions were made, such as the typewriter, telephone, and radio. Technology today allows us to communicate through electronics such as cell phones, social networking websites, and email. Communication has changed a lot throughout the years and is still used till this day. Development in technology is modified significantly in particular to networking that has resulted in the advancement of communication. The process of communication has evolved over the years. It is a way to be expressing, learn about others, build trust and relationships, and solve problems. Though it sounds fun and easy, there are many consequences that come along with it. This has affected society in some ways are positive, while others are negative. To start off with it’s positive aspects, there are many new inventions

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