
Technology And Technology

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Change is a constant theme relating to practically everything in our society. We used to have horses and black and white televisions. These are no comparison to the technology we have with us right now. Even parenting has begun to evolve. For example, parents used to choose marriages for their own children. Things have turned around so much that spanking is even frowned upon within society. However, Change has been lacking in a very important human development. Fundamentally, education has hardly seen a change in the last one-hundred-fifty years. Ironically, the parents of children, along with the educational issues blame current educational issues on the technology. Video games get the most blame out of all the modern technology we possess. For example, Caroline Miller, a writer for Child Mind Institute highlights the typical reactions regarding concentration issues, stating, “the claim has been made by some researchers that the constant stimulation and instant rewards of games raise the bar for kids to pay attention in normal, less stimulating situations where you have to work harder to get rewards.” Consequently, these concerns are a result of the lack of change within our educational system. Ironically, video games are a potential solution to the lack of interest teachers must struggle with throughout the year. Video games are already succeeding as educational tools indirectly and directly. Emphasizing the technology within schools would also fix problems that are not

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