
Technology: Trash or Treasure? Essay

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If you were to ask some high school students, “Have you ever looked up a sports score or checked your Twitter feed in class on your phone or computer?” what do you think their answer would be? The answers from most, if not all, of the students would be “yes”. Technology use has drastically increased over the past few years, and this dramatic increase is having its effects on classrooms. With online textbooks, homework, and lectures, it is inevitable for it to have an effect. Technology is rising at a rapid pace, and it is rapidly being integrated into secondary classrooms in many forms, such as online textbooks, homework, and lectures. Because of this swift incorporation of technology, high school students have a decreased focus in the …show more content…

A report from Kindle came out saying that for every 100 hardcover books purchased; another 180 electronic books are purchased (Wylie, 2013). This trend has undoubtable had its effects on students and teachers in high school classrooms. The increased technology in the classroom has caused students to lose focus. Both teachers and students can be distracted by technology. In many schools, technology is allowed during almost all class times. If teachers do not monitor this technology avidly, students will inevitably start to get off task with their devices. Whether that means chatting with friends by texting, checking their Facebook accounts, or just merely surfing the web, if technology is not being used for educational purposes, students will be off task from the curriculum being taught. These distractions divert the student’s attention and their focus from the subject they should be learning. According to Duncan Jeffries from The Guardian News, “87% felt modern technologies were creating an ‘easily distracted generation with short attention spans’” (Jeffries, 2013). Technology provides students with constant stimulation and this is rewiring their brains to need constant stimulation. Just listening to a lecture does not provide students with this high level of stimulation their brains are accustomed to and makes it very difficult for them to focus on their teacher or professor. Some

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