
Teen Dating Violence

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What is Teen Dating Violence?
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is described as the physical, emotional, or sexual abuse that occurs within a relationship while dating. TDV can occur in person, or electronically by a current or former partner (CDC, 2014). Many adolescents and adults are unaware of the prevalence of TDV but a recent national study revealed that nearly 10% of adolescents have reported being hit, slapped, or intentionally physically hurt by someone they had claimed to be dating (CDC, 2014). About 20% of adult women who reported experiencing some form of intimate partner violence (IPV) also reported experiencing TDV between the ages of 11-17 (CDC, 2014). Also, black students experience TDV (14%) at a significantly higher rate than …show more content…

Some of the economic effects associated with IPV are as follows: employers lose between $3-5 billion dollars per year for increased medical costs of battered victims and businesses lose an additional $100 million dollars in lost wages, sick days, and absenteeism. Also, nearly 2 million workdays are lost to domestic violence annually and overall domestic violence costs the United States $67 billion dollars, annually (NCADV, n.d.). IPV causes a huge lapse in profitability and productivity.

Using Public Service Announcements to Address other Public Health Issues Among Adolescents Public service announcements have long been a tool of public health professionals and organizations to prevent public health crises through awareness and instruction. For this intervention, public service announcements via television and radio stations will be implemented to bring about prevention of teen dating violence. Anti-tobacco campaigns have utilized public service announcements to campaign the detrimental effects of tobacco consumption as well as raise awareness regarding cessation resources. In 2000, California held a media campaign that accounted for a 2-3% reduction in the sales of cigarette packs. Despite the seemingly low effect of media campaigning, it has been proven that each dollar invested in the anti-tobacco advertising results into a per capita decrease of 7.7 packs of cigarettes (Atkin,

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