
Teenage Drinking And Driving

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Drinking and driving is a big problem that affects teenagers all over the world. People would think that with all the laws cracking down on the sale of alcohol to minors, and education about the consequences of drinking and driving would make a difference. Everyone knows that drinking and driving is dangerous, but don't realize it affects the driver, passengers, and people on the streets. The laws should be stricter about underage drinking, there should be more education about the consequences of drinking and driving, and the drinking age should not be lowered. Even though under age drinking is illegal, teenagers are starting to drink at younger ages, which is leading to risky behaviors (Dedel). Some common behaviors known to happen while under the influence include, driving, property damage, rape, and other violent crimes. The major problem for teenagers is driving while they are under the influence. The laws need to be stricter when it comes to under age drinking. Most teenagers do not have the mindset to drink responsibly and can lead to negative effects, that could not only harm them but harm other people too. Police need to crack down on all underage drinkers so that nobody does anything that could harm them, like getting into a car and driving or riding in a car with someone who is drunk.. Most teenagers don’t think that drinking while they are under the influence is a big problem. Kelly Dedel stated, “Underage college students who drink heavily are more likely to

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