
Tell Tale Vignette Ethical Issues

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The tell tale vignette has some enforceable standard issues, which are standards on privacy and confidentiality, standards on assessment, standards on human relations, standards of competence and standards on therapy. In order to deal with the client’s problem, the psychologist has to use the ethical decision making process as a guide to ensure that the problem in question was solved by critically analyzing and evaluating the process to solve the problem.
These are the step I would take while using the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologist and the Ethical Decision Making Process. The first thing to do was to identify the individuals who are involved in the situation, and in this vignette, there was Rosalinda; the six years old who had witnessed …show more content…

The first issue was privacy and confidentiality, standard 4.01 maintaining confidentiality and how it applies to this case. Can Rosalinda’s dad have access to her records? The answer would be no because under standard 4.01, privacy and dignity must be respected and I have to uphold principle E: to respect Rosalinda’s right and dignity. Since the father was the perpetrator of the domestic violence and he was the reason why therapy was needed in the first place, then I am obligated to protect Rosalinda and Maria’s interest. The father having access to Rosalinda’s records would supersede the ethical and legal responsibility to protect Rosalinda’s confidentiality and this is in violation of HIPPA rules; however I would be willing to discuss ways he can help with his daughter’s current situation. Maria did state that she was dating again; this information would not be relevant; rules of the APA board was a need for relevant conversations, so the psychology intern violated article 4.04 of standards on privacy and confidentiality by documenting it in her notes because it would be considered intrusion on …show more content…

The psychology intern introduced herself and went over the informed consent, Maria understood and gave consent for evaluation and treatment of her daughter. This was done to ensure a clear understanding of what the assessment entails and why it was being done.
The third enforceable standard was Standard 3 Humans Relations article 3.10 for Informed Consent which protects the right of Rosalinda; General Principle E, for rights and dignity. It should also be noted that the psychology intern also went over the informed consent form so that Maria can understand which dignified her.
The forth enforceable standard was 5 Standards on Competence article 2.05 Delegation of work to others. The owner of the practice delegated the assessment intake to the psychology intern without supervision. According to the rules of the APA boards, delegating responsibility should be in accordance to what an intern was competent

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