
Tequila Research Paper

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Tequila was actually first known as Mezcal wine but in order to distinguish between the different Mezcal wines in south mexico, it was named “tequila” because this particular wine came from Tequila, Jalisco. This regional Mezcal wine known as “tequila” was made from the Blue Agave Plant surrounding the city of Tequila. These plants could also be found northwest of the Guadalajara and in the highlands of Los Altos. Shortly after tequila became its official name, Mexico began mass producing and exporting bottles of tequila to the United States via El Paso, Texas and New Mexico. Then in 1911, due to the Mexican Revolution and an increased sense of patriotism, tequila became the most popular drink in Mexico. Doctors even began prescribing Tequila, …show more content…

Along with many others liquors, there are certain regulations and qualifications needed in order to determine whether it’s tequila or not. This is regulated by the Mexican Government. Mexico has secured the protection of tequila as an exclusive Mexican product through a rule passed by the World Trade Organization. This means that Mexico claimed the exclusive use of the word “tequila” for the entire world, but also that only alcoholic beverages made with the Blue Agave plant, grown in the Consejo Regulador del Tequila or the Tequila Regulatory Council. The purpose of the organization is to promote the quality, culture, and prestige of tequila. This meant Mexico both claimed the exclusive use of the word "tequila" for the entire world, but also that only alcoholic beverages made with Blue Agave, grown within Mexico, and made under the rules of the Official Mexican Standard of Tequila (NOM), could be labeled as "tequila." As a result of this, anyone who wants to produce tequila must first obtain a permit from the Mexican …show more content…

It starts with the trimming of quiotes, or stalks, from the center of the plant then the leaves from the piña (the succulent core of the plant) are cut away. After being harvested, the leaves are slowly baked to turn the fructans into fructose. Then those leaves are either shredded or mashed under a large stone wheel and the extracted agave juice is then poured into large wooden or stainless steel vats for several days to ferment, producing what is called a wort, or mosto, with low alcohol content. Then it can be distilled twice; the first time it is distilled it produces what is called ordinario, and the second time produces a clear “silver” tequila. The silver tequila can be bottled right away or pumped into wooden barrels to age and develop a more mellow flavor and amber color. The flavor of the tequila will either be sweeter and fruitier-tasting or earthy depending on if the leaves were harvested from the highlands or lowlands, respectively. The barrels are usually made from white oak originating from the US, Canada, or France. Some companies char the barrels before aging the tequila to infuse a smoky flavor, while others reuse barrels that were used for other liquors such as whiskey or wine. After being aged in the barrels for at least a year, it is then transferred into stainless steel vats to

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