
Tesco Brick And-Mortar Business Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

The main rationale behind why Tesco decided to extend their services online was to implement a better-quality service by changing the rules of the game through easing the process of grocery shopping and making it more effortless and convenient for its customers. Tesco’s motto is “Good, Better, Best” they strive for perfection and continued improvement. The expansion of non-food items has allowed customers to make Tesco’s a one-stop shop for all their wants and needs. Tesco’s was not afraid of improvements or taking a risk to satisfy their customers, thus the reason to implement online services. This new rationale has helped Tesco meet their customers’ desires and demands, attract upper market segments, become more cost-efficient, increase home delivery accuracy, and to collect data about their customers’ purchase habits. One of the major advantages of Tesco Direct is customers are able to pick their products online and have them ready for pick up when the customer desires, this has allowed Tesco the opportunity to expand their customer base. Online orders have allowed Tesco Direct to manage customer relationships by getting to know what the customer enjoys and Tesco Direct can tailor the recommendations for products specifically.

2. What were the challenges faced by Tesco in integrating operations and strategies across the three-different business and how were they able to overcome these?

Tesco’s Bricks-and-Mortar Business

The first challenge Tesco’s

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