
Texas Revolution Research Paper

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What Influenced the Texas Revolution

The Texas Revolution was when The United States wanted to annex Texas from The Mexican Government. Before the revolution began there was the Law of April 6,1830, and Anglos disagreed with the Mexican government. During the Texas Revolution, several events took place like The law of April 6,1830 and The Battle of Gonzales.These events helped spark the influences of Texas being annexed by the U.S because The Law of April 6,1830, limited the rights of Anglos and stopped U.S immigration which made the Anglos angry. The Battle of Gonzales is when the Anglos decided to fight back against the Mexican Government.
The Mexican government passed The Law of April 6,1830, and this law limited the rights of Anglos and …show more content…

According to a article by Eugene C. Barker and James W. Pohl created in August 7,2010 , it stated “The Texas Revolution began with the battle of Gonzales in October 1835 and ended with the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836; but there were earlier clashes between official forces and groups of colonists, so that it is impossible to set dogmatic limits in speaking of military episodes alone, to say nothing of the development of social and political differences that were a part of the revolution.” This shows that the Anglo settlers and the Mexican Government didn’t get along even before Battle of Gonzales.This provides The Battle of Gonzales is one of the Anglos first strike back at The Mexican Government. According to an article called Mexican Texas by Arnoldo De León created in June 15,2010, it stated “To Mexico, the attack on the military post was an indication of a rebellion, and the refusal of Texans to surrender the Anahuac ringleaders confirmed suspicions of widespread defiance. The initial conflict between Anglo-Americans and Mexican authorities occurred in the battle of Gonzales in October 1835.” This shows that the Anglos didn’t want to be part of Mexico.This also provides reasons why the Mexican government thought that the Anglos wanted to secede.Therefore, The Battle of Gonzales is an important influence that helped get Texas annexed. The Anglos did this by standing up to The Mexican Government and they fought

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