The achievement of higher education dates all the way back to the 13th century where students of ages between 13 and 16 would go to ‘school’. Many people have come to argue that education is not required to succeed in life. While others believe that it is an essential aspect for an individual in order to survive. Plenty of people comment that going to college is nothing but a tradition that one follows. Another handful of persons share the opinion that attending college is simply an option because one can survive without any further education. The function of college in the 21st century is to capacitate, train, and educate those in search of opportunities in higher education. For many people, college should be preparing students for any situations in the real world, educating pupils who are not, and offering opportunities for those who are seeking such. However, many citizens believe that college has only become an obstacle for those who are in search of further completion. Due to constant political and economic changes, college has been routed into a fixed direction; nevertheless, students are not being fully prepared, creation of stressful environments, and making the price of education nearly unaffordable. Obtaining a job has become harder because of the slow restoration of the economy and competition. College students have come to struggle when hunting for any opportunities in the workforce. Pupils have also encountered difficulties when having the desire to work in a
Pharinet, the author of Is College for Everyone, explains an important factor in today’s society about college. He talks about how everyone cannot attend college like today’s society expects us to do so. Many are not able because they cannot maintain the grades and are not financially stabled. Money is a huge problem when it comes to attending college. Books expense, living situation and receiving student loans are examples of some of the issues students never think about, but endure. They only know about attending because it sounds and looks good after high school. Some high schools do not give their students the proper education to meet the requirements to attend. That is why ACT and SAT scores and high school transcripts are needed to meet college credentials.
In Today’s Modern World, Higher Education or College-level education has become a valuable tool to be successful in life. Higher Education not only helps you to get up on your feet but also helps you to secure your and your families future. Higher education not only leads to a happy life but also teaches you how to overcome through some inconvenient situations in your life. Higher Level education opens a whole new world and shows you many more options that you can take in your life. Yes, I Know that colleges are expensive, and students first have to go through this hurdle first of paying for college to get the higher education they need.
College, a universal, fundamental concept that the globe utilizes. Through a wide array of variations, countries across the world have developed their own meaning of what higher education is. However, the underlying tone of it all is the same, furthering one’s knowledge. With a vast number of schools from a broad range of locations trying to pull the population in, colleges compete with different tactics ranging from education relevance to evaluation. Consequently, problems have arisen from these approaches, addressed along the lines in an article called “A New Course” by Magdalena Kay, an associate professor of English at the University of Victoria and an educational film, “Ivory Tower” by Andrew Rossi, a graduate of Harvard and Yale University and a filmmaker. Furthermore, these problems change the meaning of college itself, no longer seen as an education, but as a commodity.
Colleges and university have slowly become one of the stepping stones into the working world today. People go to colleges for higher education with the intention of earning degrees in which they can use in their respective fields. Some example degrees that people pursue are Medical, Law, Business, Accounting, and Science Degrees. Through the years the idea of college was that it was optional and it was a door for better life and job. However in the modern times, it become a necessity. It all started when the colleges once single- gender institutions target specific students in their respective demographics. Today, the college market has now been divided into two major categories:
In past years, when people was talking about higher education, they had no hesitation to mention university immediately. When others were mentioning that college also belonged to higher education, sometimes they reacted with a wry smile, and shook their heads. Yes, even if it is for today, university gets the higher appraisal than college, and even many people think ‘‘college as America used to understand it is coming to an end.’’ As parents, they prefer their children to study in university instead of college, no matter how high of tuition the university it is. They ignore the value of college. Although sometimes college is viewed as critical by other people, we still can find its value, and how it is really beneficial for our lives, even if we don’t pursue a degree.
More people than ever before are attending college due to the endless opportunities that it provides. Louis Menand, a college professor and the author of “Live and Learn: Why We Have College,” explains the meaning of college through three theories that have been developed. Theory 1 supports the idea of the sorting-out process that separates the highly intelligent from the less intelligent. Menand’s second theory explains that college provides opportunities for developmental growth, personal growth, and teaches individuals about the world around us. These are valuable lessons that will not be learned anywhere else. Theory three supports the idea of people attending college to specialize in a specific vocation. I
There is no set value on a college education. In this case, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some attend college with hopes of becoming rich and powerful. They want to see their names on a jet plane or on a modern skyscraper, similar to Donald Trump. However, there are those who go to college with hopes of becoming better individuals. They want to improve themselves and be the best version of who they are. By using ethical, logical and emotional appeal, Mark Edmundson, the author of the article “Education’s Hungry Hearts”, educates society on the difference between those who are hungry for an education and those who are not; those who have a stronger desire to learn are the ones who reap the most benefits out of a college education.
In her article “Is College for Everyone?” blogger and college professor Pharinet discusses the value of a college education and debates whether or not it is worth it to pursue a continued education. The author’s purpose for writing this article is to attempt to change a popular societal opinion that it is necessary to attend college in order to succeed. She argues that there are students who are often unprepared for the challenges and responsibilities of attending college, but attend simply for the reason that they are expected to. She challenges the idea that “college is for everyone” and encourages college students to question how beneficial a college education is for them personally.
Although holding a degree doesn’t have muchpower as it did decades ago, people who have a bachelor’s degree earn twice as more than peoplewith a high school diploma. Most students do not have the capability of enduring four moreyears of college, and furthermore indicate that not everyone should be able to attend highereducation.Higher education is supposed to be considered an essential component of a democraticsociety. It is almost a rite of passage to seek college after high school graduation. Societynowadays requires basic analysis of finance, education, and public health in order to prosper inAmerica. But due to low demand of motivation for college, students are highly discouraged on
Vivian Le Ms.Rose English 3P, Per.2 14 May 2015 College Is Worth It High school graduates attend college for many different reasons whether for career development or increasing one’s knowledge. Students who do graduate from college with a degree have increased job opportunities and financial advantages. However, more and more graduates are rethinking going to college because they are not “college material” or don’t have enough money to pay for their tuition. Although many people believe that college is not necessary to be successful in the future, in actuality attending college is critical because obtaining a college degree allows students to gain more knowledge and advantages for their future.
Higher education has a vast history; beginning in the early colonial period and spanning ten generations. With its wide range of history, aspects of higher education have changed as the ideals and reforms of society adjusted. Albeit, the missions and purposes of college have remained the same. In this paper, I will clarify the three main missions and purposes of higher education. Then, I will shift the focus of the paper to the area I would like to pursue in higher education and how it reflects those purposes.
Every year, college tuitions are increasing drastically. The thought of college goes through the minds of students if it’s genuinely worth paying for. College is worth the cost because it benefits the society with well-educated people socially and it gives financial stability economically.
Attending college is a choice, but is accentuated of its advantages for someone in today’s real world. Widespread of opportunities are provided for graduates; the importance of college education has become quite evident in terms of earning potential within today’s economy. Perhaps, someone who wishes for a high-paying job or a decent salary for his/her family sees the necessity of attaining a college degree as a gateway to better options and unlocking opportunities. Also, it gives accomplishment for oneself. College life is not as easy as it is in high school. Through the college works and challenges they faced, the graduates build a sense of self- fulfillment and esteem in their lives. The knowledge and experience taken in college life; meeting
In today’s modern society college degree, has become an essential component to live a decent life. Many people believe that higher education is the only path to success, others think that college is not for everyone, all of them have their own strength and weakness. In my opinion not everyone should get a college degree. I feel this way for different main reasons which I will explore in the following essay.
In most countries, education is a very important aspect of today’s society. Getting an education is typically required today in order to start a professional career, especially through undergraduate or graduate schooling to get a degree. However, people tend to question whether college is worth it or not due to its expensive nature and the time consumption that it takes. College is worth attending as there are alternate ways to pay for college than out of pocket, college can help students financially down the line, and college gives those who attend a sense of pride and accomplishment which helps their well being in the long run.