
The Adolescent Brain Becomes An Adult Brain

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“There is no single age at which the adolescent brain becomes an adult brain.” Many people think that you are fully mature at the age of 18, that accusation is false. This is because when you are 18 you are still in the teenager state in the mind, you are fully mature in your mid-20s. Kids should be viewed as adults when you are at the age of maturity such as 25 because that is when they learn how to become more of an adult to getting a source of living, having the right to vote and to be able to look and learn about the world in their way.
Most of the time when kids are still young they dream to be an adult, it was found that the age is 25 when the brain is fully mature. Kids that want to be adults, when they are fully mature which all starts …show more content…

When a person is 18 they are considered to be more independent, and they are no longer supported by their parents. The law may say that you’re an adult at 18, but when reaching your 20s you have already been away from your parents long enough to learn more about taking care of yourself, and how the world works around you. People may argue that when you turn 18 you have more responsibilities as an adult, and are no longer considered a teenager anymore. Some of the rights you earn when you turn 18 should be earned when your brain is fully developed at 25 and you can think for yourself. The rights of an 18 year old is different than the rights of people in their 20s because at that age is when you have been more independent and learn how to take care of yourself without counting on your parents.
The age that kids should be viewed as adults is the respected age of 25, because you have learned to be more independent and using the source of money and working. Moving out and being independent is hard, and a lot of people don’t move out until after they are 18 because it’s difficult to find a stable source of living. Being at the age when the brain is fully mature is at the age of 25 along with the rights that you earn as your brain starts to grow and develop more. If kids continue to be considered adults at 18, it can be more stressful for a young mind because their brain isn’t fully

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