
The And Its Effects On The Body

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After fertilisation that has a place in the Fallopian tube, the zygote multiplies rapidly and transforms into a group of cells that is called the morula. The morula moves towards the uterus, develops into a blastocyst and attaches into the uterine wall. Next, the blastocyst differentiates into three layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) that will give a beginning to all tissues and organs to the baby developing body. The embryo forms embryonic membranes (yolk sac, amnion, chorion and allantois), which help to protect and nourishment the embryo. The placenta begins to develop (from embryos chorion and a part of mother’s endometrium). It will transfer nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby, and waste products from the baby back to the maternal system, it will produce and secrete hormones, and will be in charge of the immunological barrier. The placenta is connected to the foetus by the umbilical cord. Backbone, vertebral, the central nervous system, and small protrusions (the future legs and arms of the baby) also develop. Heart and blood cells are formed and the circulation begins. At the end of this month, the embryo is around 6-7mm long. During the second month, small protrusions transform into arms and legs. Fingers, toes, and eyes develop (become apart and eyelids are fused). Fundamental blood vessels, sensory and internal organs, as well as the digestive tract, are formed. Neural tube development is well progressed and the ossification begins. By the end of

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