
The Anti Smoking Campaign Is Too Late

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As of 2013, about 17.8% of Americans smoke cigarettes, subjecting themselves to lung cancer and other fatal diseases. This image is an ad from a Neuroscience blog covering the topic of anti-smoking ads and campaigns. The purpose of this ad is to emphasize the importance of quitting smoking before it is too late. The anti-smoking campaign has a targeted audience of smokers and the loved ones of those who smoke. This ad effectively persuades smokers to give up smoking by the use of simplicity in organization, color scheme, and hidden meaning in the image.
This ad is very effective in convincing the audience to give up smoking by its use of simplicity. The saying “less is more” truly fits the advertisement. This anti-smoking campaign made this ad simple by having an all-black background with the image of the woman smoking large in the foreground. This brings the eyes of the viewer to the woman and centralizes the focus to the purpose of the advertisement. Also, the black background makes the lighter figure stand out better, creating a focal point for the image.
Another use of simplicity in this ad is the great feature of the one liner in the bottom right corner. The position and size of it is essential in keeping it simple but having a purpose at the same time. With it being small and not drawing too much attention shows that the emphasis should be on the picture itself. The point of the ad is to keep the audience focused on the picture, so the text needed to not draw too much

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