
The Architectural Structure Of Artificial Intelligence Essay

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The architectural structure of Artificial intelligence is the notion to present how the mind functions at its level of abstraction. In effect, this leads to the concept of GOFAI to demonstrate how the mind takes in information, and outputs a response. However, GOFAI has become an unsatisfactory portrayal of human cognition, because it demonstrates itself to be nothing more than a system that manipulates symbols (Dreyfus, ppXXI). For GOFAI turns behaviours and knowledge into a formal script, but lacks the essential aspect of epistemology. For GOFAI doesn 't create opinions, nor does it desire to justify its database of information. Rather, it abides by the rules that are written in its programming, in the presumption it’s data is true. For the epistemological notion of creating, obtaining, and justifying knowledge is a natural aspect of the cognition, and is an essential property of the human intellect. Moreover, the concept of Connectionism, demonstrates itself to be a better archetype of the mind, in explaining how the brain functions, and learns. For the theory of Connectionism isn’t limited to being a symbol manipulator, rather it simulates the functionality of the brain, by replicating its neural structure of how it processes information. Arguably, Connectionism is a better representation of the mind, because it doesn 't limit the cognition as a symbol manipulator, in how it demonstrates the notion of learning and retention of knowledge by simulating the neural structure

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