
The Background Of Ubuntu

Decent Essays

The Ubuntu is one of African approaches of understanding the humanity as a process of building cohesion and humanness when it comes to building peace in our daily life. This approach is religious, political and moral dimensions which will allow grasping its foundation being based on the emphasis of promotion of ethics for the humankind. This assignment will outlined the following; what is Ubuntu, The background of Ubuntu, Principles of Ubuntu and conclusion.
What is Ubuntu?
The concept of Ubuntu has become well known all over the world as being typical of African and specifically South African culture which give direct way and specific directions to humanity and personhood. According to Battle (2009:2) the word Ubuntu …show more content…

People who advocate for Ubuntu

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013)

According to Nelson Mandela ws born on July 18,1918 in Mveso,Transkei South Africa.Becoming actively involved I anti-apartheid movement in his 20s,Mandela joined the African National Congress in 1942.for 20 years he directed a campaign of peaceful,non-violent defiance against South African government and its racist 1994 Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president.Mandela died at his house in Johannesburg on December the 5th 2013,at the age of 95


According to,Desond Mpilo Tutu was born on October the 7th 1931 in Klearksdorp,South Africa.His father was an elementary school principal and his mother worked cooking and cleaning at a school for the blind.The South Africaof Tutu’s youth was rigidly segregated,with black Africans denied the rights to vote and forced to live in specific areas.Tutu graduated from high school in 1950 and although he had been accepted into medcal school,his famly could not afford the expensive tuition.Instead he accepted a scholarship to study educaton at Pretoria Bantu Normal College and graduated with teaceher’s certificate in …show more content…

According to Nussbaum (2003:2) Ubuntu is a tradition called ukusisa (helping others) which entails the following general principals of Ubuntu as outlined below:
• The hallmark of Ubuntu is about listening to and affirming others with the help of processes that create trust, fairness, shared understanding and dignity and harmony in relationships.
• Ubuntu consciousness is about the desire to build a caring, sustainable and just response to the community – whether that be company, village, city, nation or our global family.
• Because of its emphasis on our common humanity and the ethical call to embody our communal responsiveness in the world, Ubuntu offers an alternative way to re-create a world that works for all. Simply put, people, businesses and countries would re-learn how to live together with respect, compassion and dignity and justice and to re-organize resources accordingly.
• Ubuntu, applied to business and corporate responsibility, would be ultimately about sharing wealth and making (at the very least) basic services, such as food, housing and access to health and education accessible and visible to all members of our global

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