
What Role Does The Bensalemites Play In Our Society

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The almost too perfect society of the Bensalemites is one that other societies should learn from indeed. They are united in that they are all working towards the greater good of humankind. There is a pleasant absence of conflict between the Bensalem government and people which can be attributed to the fact that politics does not play any role. The importance placed on religion also strengthens the bond and support between them. Within this society is a detailed and thoughtfully structured system in which the members of the House of Salomon put great effort towards the betterment of the world as they know it. This devotion for truth and good nature stems from the love the inhabitants received years before from the original King Salomona. This King Salomona also put in place the system of constantly pursuing knowledge that the Bensalemites continued to follow. The combination of all of these things is what makes Bensalem such an advanced community full of wisdom and scientific knowledge.
The scientists of Salomon’s House have undertaken numerous projects. They utilize a variety of manmade and natural resources to strengthen and better the current and future Bensalem community. Caves are used for the treatment of bodies including hardening, refrigeration, and …show more content…

Not to say that the Bensalemites are not actually religious, but it is in some ways a cover up. They claim that religion is their number one priority, but all of the evidence points to science really being at the top of their list of importance. By preaching religion, morality, and piety to such grand extents, the people and scientists of Bensalem are more likely to exemplify good virtues and the like. They are more likely to be “good people,” for lack of a better term, and are more motivated to help out their leaders by participate in their system of gaining knowledge for the greater good of

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