
The Bible And Forgiveness

Decent Essays

What injuries to yourself from others would you find especially hard to get over or forgive? Explain.
The Bible says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). I personally try to live by the Bible every day. Times do get hard and certain circumstances hurt more than others, but we are all called to forgive one another at the end of the day. Forgiveness and getting over a situation are, in my opinion, two separate acts. Forgiveness should be given to all, but completely ignoring and disregarding the situation is not appropriate. I have a hard time in trusting others; every person is broken and flawed, and although it is not always meant to be intentionally hurtful, …show more content…

This was the longest relationship I had ever been in, and he was my first love. I don’t give out trust to many people, and he was the first person who I felt as if I could trust my life with. He was able to gain all my trust and he held me in the palm of his hand. I thought we would last for a long time and that we would never give up on one another. Whenever I moved, we were both determined to keep our relationship alive and well until he could come down to Georgia to live. He was soon to be enlisted. I had always thought highly of him, even when he was at his lowest. I never thought bad about him or felt as if there was any reason for me not to trust him. Right before he went off to boot camp I found out he had been cheating on me the last six months of our relationship with many different girls who claimed to be some of my “best friends.” I was hurt more than ever, and it was because I trusted that he would be faithful and that the girls would have enough sense to not be involved in unfaithful acts with my boyfriend at the time. My trust for both him and my friends were lost that day, and my heart ached of a pain that it had never felt before. I couldn’t breathe, and I did not know how I was going to go on with my life. No person knew what to say to make me feel better. I blamed myself. I blamed myself for trusting someone who did not deserve my trust. I did forgive him for the things he did to me, as I forgave the girls he did it

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