
The Bible: The Calling Of The First Disciples

Decent Essays

Determine the boundaries of the text:

When I started reading this passage, I always thought that the text was clear and so were the boundaries of the text. As I’m reading this, I just see how the before and after parables set-up “The Calling Of The First Disciples.” When I reread this parable I feel like something deeper just sticks out at me. I love how Jesus is trying to reveal himself in a simple parable as, “Take a leap of faith and take your boat deeper with me for deeper blessings.” The surrounding parables are both on healing, I feel like that, it just shows how people who don’t “know” Jesus still will call him Master (vs 5) and will follow him into the deep. In this passage, miracles, teachings and discipleships outline …show more content…

There’s 3 boats that belong to Simon (Peter). Jesus shares the gospel to the fisherman, Simon (Peter), questions Jesus, but turns around and says, “yes because you say so.” Did Simon (Peter) have to agree with Jesus? The third structure of the passage is, they catch a number of fish. It started sinking the boat and the other boats. Jesus then tells them to drop your nets and follow me to go share the gospel to others. They didn’t have to drop everything that they were doing to follow this “stranger.” Jesus’ later chooses these unclean fisherman to to be his Disciples (students). Jesus does that now with us.

John 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give …show more content…

How often do we avoid putting out into the deep waters of following and bearing witness to Jesus because we are convinced that we will not see any results? What might it mean for us to go fishing with Jesus -- to trust and follow him outside our comfort zones, to let go of our certainties, to have our lives radically reoriented?

My Reflection:

For me Luke 5:1-11, was a confirmation on my life in the last 5 months. It was a reminder for me that, all is going to be “More than okay” and God has a plan for my for me and He is protecting me. In verse 4 of Luke 5, “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish." But I love what Simon (Peter) says to Jesus in verse 5, “Master," Simon replied, "we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. But if you say so, I'll let the nets down again." Isn't that our own life? How are we supposed to go deeper with God, if we’re second guessing God and afraid of jumping in the boat, and letting God take us deeper. I can only imagine that moment when we surrender ourselves, and let God take us deeper, how much more will God bless us when we let our fishing nets

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