
The Cause And Causes Of The Declaration Of Independence

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On the fourth of July in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was ratified. Americans resisted England and demanded their freedom for seven years. Many lives were lost in the name of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The American Revolution set the colonist free from England’s Tyranny. These American patriots were a wakeup call all around the world, many other colonies rebelled against their mother country so they could also be free. Although there were many things that caused the revolution, the overall cause of the colonists rebellion was the British not allowing the colonist to have a seat in parliament. They had no one to represent them so there was no way for the colonist to stand up for themselves. In May of 1765, Patrick Henry explained to the House of Burgesses that it is against the law for King George to impose The Stamp Act. He continues by saying the king is a tyrant and they must not obey the tax. He said it was against the law for the king to tax them and he was an enemy to his own people (Document 1). Since the colonist did not have a seat in parliament they had no form of representation. No one could fight for them and what the colonist wanted. The colonist were angry that they had no control over how much they were being taxed of how it was used. The king taxes made them angry and later led to the colonist revolting. The Sons of Liberty would often tar and feather tax collectors to show the throne that they did not like the way they

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