
The Cause And Effects Of Child Abuse

Decent Essays

Child abuse potentially impacts children in the long run. When a child is abused it doesn’t just affect them now, it’s something that lasts a lifetime. Child abuse lingers in many forms, it affects the child mentally and it even influences their academic environment. Not only that but it follows them into adulthood and could even impact the way they parent their own children. Child abuse leaves lasting scars that are permanent in their lives. Child abuse has been found to lead into mental disorders later in life. A study shows that adults who were sexually, verbally, and mentally abused suffer from depression sometime in their life or even suffer from PTSD. In an article written by Maia Szalavitz in “Time”, she states that out of 200 people that had gone through some type of child mistreatment, ages 18-25, 53% of them had suffered depression and 40% had full or partial PTSD. The hippocampus, which is the part of the brain which holds emotions and memory, becomes less prone in helping with stress. Scans show that adults with depression and PTSD have a reduced hippocampus and suggests that stress earlier in life, such as in childhood, makes the hippocampus less resistant to stress later in life. Another mental disorder than adults get due to abuse is Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a disorder in which you cannot control your emotions and impulses. David M. Allen M.D. wrote an article on “Psychology Today” on the disease and why it is linked to dysfunctional families

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