
The Causes Of Teen Dating Violence

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Teen Dating Violence

Adolescence is a tough stage in growing up. We are still young but at the same maturing physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Our bodies go through hormonal changes.

Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control). Physical abuse is hitting, punching, slapping, shoving, and kicking. Emotional abuse are threatening, name-calling, insults, yelling, embarrassing on purpose, stalking, bullying, and/or keeping partner away from friends and family (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control). Sexual abuse is unwanted kissing or touching and forcing them to engage in sexual acts (Children’s Safety Network). It is one of the biggest problems among youth and a public health concern. Dating violence is traumatic at any age but is more severe during the teenage years.

What causes teen dating violence? The biggest reason that triggers teenage dating violence is the inability to manage anger and frustration. When both people in the relationship are arguing, it usually turns hostile when it starts with yelling at each other then maybe one physically hurts the other. The most common case is when the abuser in the relationship is always angry at his or her partner no matter how big or small the issue that they are angry about. Other factors for teen dating violence perpetration are

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