
The Characteristics Of Max Weber's Bureaucracy

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary (online) defines ‘Bureaucracy’ as a “government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority” and “a system of administration marked by officialism, red tape, and proliferation”. It also implies administration by bureau, which is an administrative unit in an organizational setup and mechanism to realize rationally ordered social action. It comprises non-elected officials, be it a public or private sector organization, is often viewed as an apparatus or entity that rationalizes power, authority and decision-making in a society. Max Weber, a German sociologist and economist, conceived the ‘Bureaucratic Management Theory’ and believed it to be more rational and efficient. According to Weber (1946), there exists a trichotomy of power: traditional, charismatic and rational-legal or bureaucratic. Weber believes the bureaucratic type of power to be the ideal one. Max Weber’s illustrious and influential work on bureaucracy was a substantial contribution to the discipline of public administration. He presumes bureaucracy to be an efficient and rational organizational structure. Brian R. Fry (1989) considers Weber’s bureaucracy to be rational one the basis of it being well-conversant with rules and procedures, and possessing the specialized knowledge of the bureaucratic domain. According to M. Crozier, (1964), key characteristics of the ideal type of bureaucracy that Weber ideates include fixed official

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