
The Christian Religion Centers On The Question, “Who Is

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The Christian religion centers on the question, “Who is Jesus Christ?” Many will say that Jesus was a good moral teacher. Realistically, how could He be a good moral teacher and knowingly lie to multitudes of people at the most important point of His teaching – His own identity? Do you believe Jesus is God? Either He is just an ordinary man, the son of God, or just a mad man. This research paper will prove that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh by showing evidence of the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus Christ. As co-eternal and co-equal, how Jesus Christ was God’s incarnate, and how he also was completely human. It will then show how these two natures came together as Jesus Christ. So with that being proven, no one …show more content…

However, they still remain two separate persons in the Godhead. Gregory of Nazianzus summarized this quote: “What He was He laid aside; what He was not He assumed; not that He became two, but He deigned to be One made out of the two.”4 Continued claims that Jesus Christ made about himself, that points to the fact he must be God. He claimed the authority of God to forgive sins and by healing a man that was paralyzed, which was documented in Mark 2:9-12. Jesus proved that he had the authority to forgive sins. Since, the sins had been committed against God, the people that heard him asked, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Which was also documented in Mark 2:7. Having this kind of authority to forgive sins, he was actually representing God; in fact, he was God. Then he goes on to claim, he was the only way that a person could get to the living God. And that if you really knew him you knew the Father as well.
From now on, you do know him and have seen him.5 That in itself, Jesus claimed to be God. The Bible mentions that Jesus will be the one that will judge all human beings at the end of time.6 While other verses spoke about God the Father being the judge of the end times of all humans.8 Furthermore, two verses in the Old and New Testament scriptures refer to God the Father as being the “Lord of Lords.”7 And yet in the New Testament refer to Christ as the “Lord of Lords.”9 This making strong convincing statements, that the

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