
The Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching (*Arends, 2001)

Better Essays,%20s.%202012.pdf The Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching (*Arends, 2001) The classroom discussion model of teaching involves giving students the opportunity to participate in structured small and large group conversations. The teacher, however, must specify the purpose for the discussion, establish the rules for conversational engagement, facilitate, and monitor the progress of the conversation. The five steps of the Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching appear in the chart below. The Five Steps of the Classroom Discussion Model of Teaching Steps | Description | Teacher and/or Student Behavior | 1 | Get students ready to learn, …show more content…

I recently purchased an exercise bicycle from a catalog and was stunned when it arrived in many pieces with a set of instructions for assembly I couldn’t begin to understand. My teenaged grandson came to my rescue and had the bike assembled within an hour. With each step in the assembly process he explained the procedure he was following—just in case he wasn’t around, he said, the next time I needed to assemble a piece of equipment. He even had me put together some of the parts under his watchful eye.Learning to utilize some of the instructional models may seem as daunting the first time they are encountered . Reading about them is a good beginning but it is still important to have each model demonstrated by an expert and then to experience many opportunities for guided and independent practice of the model before it can become a part of ones instructional repertoire. In our classes for teaching instructional models to teachers, we first ask the members of the class to read about the model in the text, Instruction A Models Approach. Then my co-teacher and I teach a lesson to the class following a particular model while pointing out the various steps as we proceed. The next step is to divide the class into teams and have the various teams take turns teaching the model to each other. We give each team several opportunities to practice in

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