
The Colorado College Fucc (Freeride Union Of Colorado College)

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The Colorado College FUCC (Freeride Union of Colorado College) bus is a student monitored ski/snowboard bus that leaves every Saturday morning at seven and drops students off one of three ski resorts. The bus costs five dollars and can seat around fifty students. While many students sign up for the bus, it is common for it to not be full when it leaves from campus. Last Saturday was no exception. With about 30 college students on board, the bus left for Breckenridge Ski Resort. After observing the three-hour drive and people on the slopes, I noticed a gender difference I did not expect based on my peer 's actions and clothing.
The drive to Breckenridge is, on average, a three-hour drive (including a stop in Fairplay). After putting their …show more content…

As my peers rolled their jackets up to use as pillows, I noticed that the female presenting students tended to have brighter colored jackets that were also patterned, while male presenting students had darker colored jackets. The color of snow pants also depended on the gender. Snow pants are typically one of three main colors: white, brown, and black. Women tended to wear more brown or white pants while men deviated more towards black colored pants.
When we arrived at Breckenridge, students grouped together with their friends got their skis/snowboards and headed to the gondola. Some people needed to put their boots on so they went into the lodge to do so. After getting their gear on, the students in the lodge left their boot bags or shoes underneath benches. Leaving their gear in public places, the female presenting students were more trusting. The male presenting students worried more that people would steal the gear. The groups of students were co-ed, however, I observed that the male presenting students were inclined to lead and decide where to ski/snowboard. Men were also prone to go first and faster down the hills than their female counterparts. On the slopes, women were more concerned about safety and visibility conditions than men.
After skiing a few runs, it was time to go in for lunch. The lodges were warmer than the frigid conditions outside and packed with people of all ages and

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