
The Common Complication Following Surgical Procedures

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Infections are the most common complication following surgical procedures and are associated with significant morbidity, mortality and increased cost in health care (Anderson, 2014). As a nurse working in a surgical capacity this is a concern for the patients. Working for a general surgeon, surgical site infections are not commonly seen in the office, however, it remains one of the top concerns for the well-being of patients. Many evidence based studies are aimed at nurses who provide care for patients in the pre, peri, and post- operative periods. Perioperative nurses prepare the skin for surgery to remove soil and microorganisms at the point of incision (Cowperthwaite & Holm, 2015). Surgical site infections are easy to reduce given the proper guidelines for prevention. This includes skin antisepsis, and surgical hand hygiene and technique.
A National Patient Safety Goal set up by the Joint Commission is to prevent surgical site infections (The Joint Commission, 2015). One of the ways this is done is through reducing bacteria at the surgical site. Skin is not sterile, but reducing the number of bacteria on the skin may help reduce surgical site infections. (Cowperthwaite & Holm, 2015) The circulating nurse, along with other key personnel, plays a key role in preventing surgical site infections. Proper technique must be used to reach the highest level of protection, starting with skin preperation. Typically, in the operating room setting, there are two skin

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