
The Complications Of Globalization And The Process Of Globalization

Decent Essays

"It is unimaginable to think that, in a world of such connection, there is so little meaning," says Jean Baudrillard, a respected French philosopher that, throughout the 1980s, critiqued what today we call globalization. Globalization, reduced to its ideological foundation, is the process by which increasing communicative technologies, like the Internet, have made our world "smaller." In essence, our communities, cultures, and lifestyles have become drastically linked. But, as questions surface about the connections of our era of rapid globalization to sovereignty, economic independence, and cultural uniqueness, we must understand that the question of globalization is not merely one of economics or sociology, but a broader social process of liberalism that is dooming the planet to certain ecological devastation.

The given perspectives of said topic are, curtly, reductive. They address valid arguments, but seem to refuse with the root cause such cultural diffusion and adaptation. Quite frankly, globalism isn't new. It very much is a huge social process, but nothing that humanity is inexperienced with addressing. This ad hominem logic is truant in Perspective Three, which attempts to connect social contact with increasing risks of future conflict. However, xenophobic, reductive reasoning cannot connect how cultural diffusion historically has proved Perspective Three wrong. For instance, we can evaluate the contact between Germanic barbarians and Roman soldiers in the 3rd

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