Aliens have fascinated and enthralled many generations of people. The subject has plagued popular media and the scientific world since we found out about the other planets in our solar system. As Stephen Hawking once said, “From the aliens’ point of view, what’s the point of crossing vast tracts of the universe in a hi-tech ship just to abduct some lone earthling? … And if governments are involved in a cover-up, they’re doing a much better job at it than they seem to do at anything else”(“Into the universe”)! While the possibility of alien life is a matter of controversy, scholars and scientists alike have brought their own facts and opinions out. All while searching for the answers somewhere in the cosmos. However hard it may be to believe, …show more content…
4 of the planets are in the habitable zone, meaning they could potentially support life. Meanwhile we have a planet that could have had life right here in our own solar system,“But the discovery that liquid water was once present on the Martian surface means, in Bortman's view, that living organisms might have been there, too.” (“There may have been”). The fact that mars may have held life is incredible, and realistic, after all where there is water there is life.“What the evidence does indicate, though, is that Mars was once a habitable world” (“There may have been”) which goes to show that while we don't have any specimen to examine, we can look at the facts and see that life did exist a one point in …show more content…
The universe is too massive to describe in words, and is always expanding, mars could have once held life, and NASA has already discovered other habitable planets. There is no reason to scoff at the notion of alien life, the facts are too numerous, but we always need more. More discoveries and theories to keep the dream alive, that's why people should be more invested in space exploration, problems we have on this planet could have solutions on others. The universe could hold answers to questions we haven't asked, and to those queries we have, it's just a matter of whether or not we’re ready for
Throughout history humanity has been fascinated by the existence of extraterrestrial life. Today such ventures are in the development process and the discovery of life beyond our solar system, no matter how primitive, may soon become a huge(important?) scientific breakthrough. The three basic things that are required to consider a place even remotely habitable are water, a source of energy, and organic materials. Habitability also depends on other factors that must also be taken into consideration such as how close the planet is to its star (in the case of our solar system, the sun), how long the water and organic materials existed there, and the size and mass of the planet. One must not confuse habitable with inhabited. The term
Alien invasion has been on the minds of many, and it is not something to take lightly. Aliens are real, the United States government has confirmed this, and these craft may be even closer than some claim. Unexplainable UFO sightings have been on the rise, popularized with the crash at Roswell, and they are not going anywhere. The fact that aliens are involved in these sightings is indisputable, but there are people who refuse to accept the truth. Many people state that Area 51 is just a “military base” and Roswell was just a spy balloon crash, but there is proof that there are aliens involved in both Area 51 and Roswell.
it was discovered that there are other planets like Earth out there that are able to accommodate life forms like our planet. And it is highly unlikely that we are the only living things out there in the big universe
The things they leave behind isn’t real, so people do it to make themselves get a lot of shares and likes on social media. The things humanity does today, like computer generating things to make us believe it’s there. Another thing is just plain faking it to make us think people really seen something. So in conclusion aliens are just an illusion and spiritual beings and a fake, which proves humanity today is so naive that we constantly put things that aren’t real and make questions for people to answer and start believing it, just to entertain
The topic of aliens is often a very controversial one to talk about. The aliens in THE FOURTH KIND represent many fears that we have has as humans such as the fear of feeling inferior. That is why many people don’t like to acknowledge that there could possibly be other intellectual species outside of earth, due to the fear of them feeling inferior to a more advanced life form. If aliens are anything like the human species then we should all be afraid, due to the fact that the human race killed most of the animal species and even kidnapped and enslaved other humans. If extraterrestrials ever came to our planet, their technology and intellect would be far more advanced than ours and that could possibly hurt humanity because they could have the power and technology to enslave us. They also represent how people would be willing to do wicked things like using science and technology for malevolent purposes. The aliens abuse of power in the film reflect how humans could possibly turn out if we obtained their technology. Humans could learn to one-day build rockets and spacecraft’s that can travel to other planets and their main goal would be to use these technologies to benefit ourselves. If we had the power to overtake another planet and inhabit it, we would not hesitate to do so and we are willing to do the unthinkable for power and advancement. Aliens also represent the fear of there being no god or religion because most religious people oppose science and credit god for
There are several different meanings to the word “alien.” An alien could be a resident born or belonging to a different country, a foreigner, a person who has been excluded from something, or a creature from outer space (extraterrestrial). For this argument, a creature from outer space would be the appropriate definition. Many believe extraterrestrials do exist. Many even claim to have seen aircrafts belonging to these extraterrestrials. There have been thousands of “sightings” of unidentified flying objects in which many believe do not look like or belong to anything Earthly. A lot of these sightings have not and can not be explained. Major governments around the globe will not come out and tell the public
Aliens as a pseudoscience at times can be somewhat controversial because the belief in aliens is mainly interpreted in two ways. One belief is the idea that aliens exist somewhere in the universe but have not necessarily visited earth. The second main interpretation is the belief that aliens visited earth before and/or currently visiting earth in UFO’s. This belief is more pseudoscientific than the first because, the odds of the mere existence of aliens is a matter of probability. But, the second is more difficult to explain and often relies on some pseudoscientific explanations, reasoning errors, and visual illusions. The belief in UFO and aliens visiting earth is a lot more common than most people realize as Rice ( 2003) points out in his study. In a survey of about 1,000 people in the U.S, 35% of people stated they believed extraterrestrials have visited Earth at some point in the past while, 40% did not
With all our knowledge of everything around us, overwhelming as it may be, there are still a lot of aspects that are unknown to even the smartest scientists. Did you know that humans know only 5% of the entire universe? Yes, everything we know about the Earth, the Milky Way, and all the planets is barely even a fourth of what comprises the entirety of the universe. Knowing that, it would be illogical to say that the creatures on Earth are the only forms of life in the universe. Today I will tell you about unidentified object sightings, close
Imagine life within the future. Picture flying cars, watches that display holograms in your palms, and casual spacewalks, but we, as a planet, must consider the possibility of aliens. Accounts of alien contact and sightings occur around the world every year and are even considered validated by cultures around the world within their lore, religion, and superstitions, even early recordings such as Egyptian hieroglyphics. However, no one really knows anything about the aliens that human beings obsess about, no one knows where they are from, how they will contact us, if they will, or what their method of contact would be, or if they would want to help us advance our civilization when they do. The science fiction film “Contact” predicts what would
The idea of extraterrestrials existing and having visited Earth is a long shot, which made scientist Enrico Fermi question their existence, and that is how the Fermi Paradox was created. Enrico Fermi questioned the idea that since the Universe is billions of years old and billions of light years in diameter, extraterrestrials must exist somewhere and have visited Earth. Scientifically, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that extraterrestrials exist or have existed throughout our universe, but this hasn’t stopped millions or even billions of human beings from believing in them. There are countless of possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox, but all are hypothetical. The first possible and most popular solution to the Fermi Paradox is that
Aliens and life beyond earth has been a mystery for a long time. Many people and scientist have been looking for life outside of Earth, or just floating in the sky trying to get video of it. For all of human history we have been looking for extraterrestrial life, and these are the major events of finding, debunking, and moving forward to life on earth
We live in a universe that is about 46 billion light years old. In a world, as massive as ours there must be some form of extraterrestrial life out in the galaxy. For thousands of years ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, have wondered the same question. Are we alone? As our technology advances, things such as videos and photographs are surfacing of people claiming to see such alien life. Whether it is an unidentified flying object, or if it’s from someone claiming to see an actual alien, there are thousands of people that believe they have seen proof. Some also claim that the government is hiding things behind our backs, like the Roswell UFO incident for example. Though many people refuse to believe in the existence of alien life forms until they see evidence, the fact that multitudes of people have eye-witness accounts, the improbability that we are alone, and the idea that we have thought of aliens so long, bring forth the evidence that proves something is out there.
Extraterrestrial life has been a big topic for Americans since day one. According to author Lee Speigel there is an estimation of 48 percent of Americans throughout the nation that believe in life on other planets while only 35 percent reject the idea. Life on other planets exists. According to the article “Aliens among Us” by Paul, David extraterrestrial evidence has already been discovered such as different types of bacteria and even water. The article “Aliens among Us” is a credible source because it has many explanations and possibilities on how life on other planets can easily be real. Extraterrestrial life can be many things such as plants or living bacteria. Astronomers have proven that there is water in other planets such as Mars. Water contains different types of bacteria and cells, water in other planets can be one of our best piece of evidence that we can prove that there is life on other planets. There has been UFO’s crashes that have been recorded such as in Roswell, New Mexico 1947 but the government took all the evidence and it’s probably in Area 51. Although there is no hard evidence that proves aliens are real, NASA has announced that they will be able to find living creatures by the year 2025.
The argument suggesting life existing on other Earth-like planets has been present since man first looked into space and questioned his own existence and the existence of others like him. Today there are many theories on the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but only one theory goes beyond them and into an even larger realm. The contents of this theory, known as the “multiverse” theory, suggest that humans on Earth live within one universe of many others that reside within a primordial vacuum containing many other universes (Jenkins and Perez). Each of these universes possesses potentially different natural constants and physical laws that govern them differently, thus calling forth some logical questions. First,
All along the years, scientists, mathematicians and geniuses have been intrigued in the study of Aliens. Myths, stories, legends have been passed down from generation to generation. Remember those years of childhood when we were just so fascinated by aliens? “Do they really exist?” you would ask. Pondering daily for answers to mythical creatures, only, seeing them being crushed as we enter the terrifying years of teenagerhood.