
The Controversy: The Use Of Belle Gibson's Language In The Media

Decent Essays

The Media has the power to control the information that the world receives every day. On average the a normal person will spend over 4 hours watching TV a day or possibly 3 hours browsing the internet. With such a heavy presence in the lives of humanity the media can sway society’s views using a range of different techniques and methods in order to portray certain events in a specific manner. One such case would be that of Belle Gibson, which has been a matter of great controversy. 60 minutes was one such news vendor to cover this story as of the 28th of June. Belle Gibson was questioned in order to provide the viewers with the truth. ‘The Age’ newspaper and website also covered Gibson’s’ Story on the 22nd of April but unlike 60 minutes used a heavily factual approach stating only what was already known in order to display Gibson in a specific way. …show more content…

If used correctly language can change the entire context of any statement and Tara brown the reporting interviewer made full use of her extensive vocabulary to construct powerful statements all alluding to Belle Gibson’s ‘Fraud’. Tara Brown uses multiple ways of describing Gibson as a Liar. Examples of this include Brown describing some of the things Gibson stated as Questionable, Misleading, Fraudulent, Astonishing Fabrications, Elaborate Fairy-tales and even blatantly stating Belle was lying. Now in using these terms Tara Brown elicits a certain response from the audience. This response draws from the general public’s dislike for Frauds and Liars and it is common for news vendors to make this apparent only to draw from it. These terms all are used with the intention to make the viewer’s feel as though they have been personally lied to as well as to display belle’s actions in a negative manner. In using her language correctly Tara has made Gibson out to be a lair and used this to her advantage to gain this specific response from the

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